sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2009

Dead Heart Bloom

<a href="http://music.deadheartbloom.com/album/dead-heart-bloom">Listen by Dead Heart Bloom</a>

Descobri isto algures na www, achei surpreendentemnte bom, nomeadamente a New Messiah (10ª faixa) do 1º álbum.
Podem ouvir e até descarregar a discografia inteira no site da banda de modo perfeitamente gratuito e legal. Mais um exemplo de uma bandas a oferecer conteúdo gratuito.
Citando Trent Reznor dos NIN numa entrevista à DIGG em Abril deste ano:
"...when i say I give you free music, it's not really up to me to give you free music, it's free any way. For anyone who wants to admit it, pretty much any piece of music you want is free on the internet anyway ... here it is, it's easy to give to your friends, give it to everybody. And as an artist, there is a part of me who wants as many people to hear what I do as possible, without the hurdle of having to pay for it". Para a entrevista toda, clicar no link.

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